Category: General

  • I am a product of our society, one which is driven to find a way out of pain. I experience all sorts of pain. The pain of waiting, boredom, loss, or exhaustion. We have remedies for them all. Find the shortest line to ease the pain of waiting. Look at the phone to ease the…


  • NOTE: I wrote these notes down a year ago after reading an HBR article. I cannot locate the original article. Some of the ideas may be direct quotes from the article. My intention is not to plagiarize, so I give full credit to HBR. There are three types of focus: inward, outward, and on others.…


  • A person prays daily, preaches powerfully gives generously, evangelizes effectively, memorizes scripture faithfully. What do you think? Wise or foolish? This could describe a wise man, right? What about a foolish man? What words would you use to describe that? For Jesus, the same words can describe both the wise and the foolish. It’s because…


  • The direction of your life is always changing, whether you realize it or not. Take a look at the last 10 years… what is a current reality in your life that you never planned for? What changes have occurred over that time? Did you make those changes intentionally or not? There are some areas of…


  • Currently, I’m reading the following five books, and plan to have them all done by the end of March. Maybe I’ll write some reviews once I’m done. The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer. This was a recommendation by the senior pastor of CrossRoads Church (where I work). It is a modern classic written…


  • Disclaimer: I have been hesitant to share this publicly because: 1. I am not a health expert (please ask your doctor before drastically changing your diet). 2. I don’t want to cause anyone to feel shame or guilt because of their choice of diet. But, I decided to share because I honestly believe in the…


  • Yes, I contracted COVID-19. I had no suspicion that anyone close to me had it. No one was symptomatic. Suddenly, a close-contact of mine shared that they had tested positive after experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. I was never in close proximity to them while they were symptomatic. But, I immediately went into isolation, as required by…


  • The Lord bless youand keep you,make His face shine upon youand be gracious to you.The Lord turn His face toward youand give you peace Amen. This blessing is recorded in Numbers 6:24-26. It was first spoken by Moses as a blessing on Aaron and his sons, who were first in the Nazarite priestly order established…


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  • Note: the following is taken from Joy to the world! The Lord is come:let earth receive her King;let ev’ry heart prepare him room,and heav’n and nature sing,and heav’n and nature sing,and heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing. Isaac Watts, 1719 Joy to the World was not actually written for Christmas. Isaac Watts wrote the…


  • Good News of Great Joy And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night… And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city…
